There are many different ways to discover Vienna on foot. Classic city tours often offer guided tours to some of the most famous attractions. Other more unusual tours – guided tours of Vienna – lead through the catacombs or other spooky places in the city. Whether classic, unusual, or themed: here is an overview of the various city tours through Vienna.

The Association of Viennese Tour Guides
Official city tours may only give who has been trained and examined as a tourist guide. The Association of Viennese Tour Guides exclusively offers guided tours by certified guides. Particularly popular are the panoramic tours, a 3-hour compact tour and the city tour, which also leads to Schönbrunn Palace.
Guided tours of Vienna through gardens, parks and cemeteries
Der wohl berühmteste Park Wiens ist der des Schlosses Schönbrunn. Allein hier werden zweistündige Führungen angeboten. Doch auch zum Beispiel die Gärten an der Ringstraße, wie etwa der Volksgarten oder der Stadtpark, verbergen interessante Geschichten. So bieten sowohl der Verein Wiener Spaziergänge als auch der Verein der Wiener Fremdenführer Touren über den Zentralfriedhof und zu den berühmtesten Gräbern Wiens an.
Probably the most famous park in Vienna is that of Schönbrunn Palace. Here alone two-hour tours are offered. But also, for example, the gardens on the Ringstraße, such as the Volksgarten or Stadtpark, hide interesting stories. Thus, both the Association “Wiener Spaziergänge” and the Association of Viennese Tour Guides offer tours over the Central Cemetery and the most famous tombs in Vienna.
Getyourguide offers guided tours to the graves of honor in the Central Cemetery in Vienna:
themed tours vienna
For music there are tours in Vienna like sand on the sea. Whether Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn or Schoenberg – they are all famous composers with a connection to Vienna. Even large compositions such as the Eroica were created here. And today? Which musical scene shapes the trends of the big city? Musical Vienna can be discovered on numerous thematic tours.
A look behind the scenes – theater and opera
The big stages of the city are often presented on the classic city tours anyway in the program. What would a tour of the city center be without the opera? However, the Vienna State Opera or the Burgtheater also offer their own guided tours, where you can look behind the scenes.
Architecture – city walks
Architecturally, there is much to admire in Vienna. Famous buildings such as St. Stephen’s Cathedral dominate the cityscape. In the course of the epochs, however, more than just a baroque old town, historicism and Rococo. Art Nouveau buildings and modern architecture such as the Donaucity can also be visited.
Scary and mystic – unusual tours
If you want to explore the Viennese underground, is perfect for unusual tours. Especially popular is the tour through the catacombs of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, in which old skeletons of the victims of the plague can be visited. Even small streets, cellars and horror stories wait for these tours. They are offered for example by and the Vienna Walks.
Wiener Wald – Touren
Wem die Gärten der Stadt nicht idyllisch genug sind, für den ist eine Tour in das Wiener Umland genau das Richtige. Der Leopoldsberg oder der Lainzer Tiergarten werden auf den Wiener Wald Touren der Vienna Walks erkundet. Auf den Kahlenberg führt eine Tour des Vereins der Wiener Fremdenführer.
Online platform for a tour or guided tour in Vienna
Getyourguide is one of the largest platforms of its kind. This website also offers a lot of guided tours, organized excursions and activities for Vienna. Regarding city tours in Vienna, the following offers are recommended:
The city tours and guided tours offered here take between 90 minutes and 2.5 hours.