
FAQ Vienna – Frequently asked questions

For a quick overview of the most important questions about activities in Vienna, we have put together an FAQ list with frequently asked questions here. The recommendations contain tips for your stay and for a wonderful time in the capital of Austria.

FAQ Vienna – Frequently asked questions

What is a must-see in Vienna?

The top must-see attractions:

What are the top activities to do in Vienna?

Great activities and experiences include:

What cool things can you do in Vienna?

Unusual experiences that you shouldn’t miss in Vienna:

Ideas for experiences in Vienna for two – Vienna for couples?

In addition to those mentioned above, there are also the following beautiful highlights for couples to experience:

What are the best kid-friendly activities?

Which experiences are also interesting for children:

What are the best outdoor activities?

Some tips for outdoor experiences:

Where are there indoor experiences for rainy days?

The best indoor activities and indoor experiences for rainy days are: