Important places and hubs
Vienna's important squares and junctions have very different and diverse charms. Whether you are on the magnificent ring road or in the alternative lanes of the seventh district makes a big difference. Vienna has many important and well-visited places, but also – and sometimes right next to – quiet oases, the city idyll conjure.
Famous shopping streets, such as the Kärntnerstraße and focal points for sights are described here as well as special quarters or harbors of Vienna. So if you want to go on a yacht trip, will find as well as old town enthusiasts. Many of the places have a long tradition in their importance to the city. Most of these are located in the city center or at historical sites.
Other newer places became necessary and famous only because of the increasing internationalization of Vienna. This interplay of tradition and modernity makes Vienna particularly interesting, and while many of the places described here are almost inevitable, others further afield are worth a visit as well.